Thursday, December 4, 2008


From 3903 Strikes vs. McJobs in the University Teaching Sector by Dan Crow:

Right wing pundits have begun their “CUPE Watch” claiming that the union wants only to disrupt the system in 2010.

Thanks for the shout out, Dan! You raise a lot of interesting points, and I will post a full response when work calms down a bit.

But for now, I'd like to ask you this: you're clearly a senior CUPE executive, so why did you identify yourself in the article as an "activist with CUPE"? Isn't that misleading? And isn't that futher evidence that the 2010 project is primarily driven by CUPE executives, and not by the rank-and-file?


Anonymous said...

Dan Crow is president of CUPE 4207. He submitted an M.A. thesis in Politics in 1999 entitled From protest to powerlessness : a Marxist analysis of the Ontario NDP and appears to have been a full-time union professional with at least occasional teaching gigs in the same department since that time (2003-2005, 2007).

CUPE Watch 2010 said...

Thanks for the comment. According to this, Dan Crow won his election to the executive board of CUPE Ontario.

I think Mr. Crow's position on the CUPE executive is a relevant piece of information. By signing the article as a CUPE "activist", the reader may believe that the article is part of a grassroots movement, which is apparently not the case.

Anonymous said...

You have obviously never met Dan Crow, nor do you know anything about him. Likewise, it appears you know almost nothing about the way CUPE functions. Portraying Crow as some big-wig union autocrat is, frankly, totally ridiculous and ignorant.