Wednesday, December 3, 2008

CUPE TA Unions in Ontario: Collective Agreement Expiry Dates (UPDATED)

How successful has CUPE been in aligning expiry dates of its eleven locals?

Five expire in 2010:
  • University of Ottawa (CUPE 2626) (source)
  • Ryerson University (CUPE 3904 unit 3) (source)
  • Brock University (CUPE 4207) (source)
  • University of Windsor (CUPE 4580) (source)
  • McMaster University (CUPE 3906 unit 2 representing contract faculty)
    (Note, CUPE 3906 unit 1, representing TAs, has a contract expiring in 2009.)
Three have expired contracts, and have demanded a 2010 expiry date in bargaining:
  • University of Toronto (CUPE 3902 unit 1), strike vote pending (source)
  • York University (CUPE 3903), currently on strike (source)
  • Trent University (CUPE 3908 unit 2), currently in bargaining (source)
  • Concerning Trent, a commenter wrote: "Unit 2 at Trent is student academic workers (so, undergrad markers, for the most part). Unit 1, which is contract faculty, already has a contract set to expire in 2010."
One has an expired contract, and has expressed support for OUWCC, and recently avoided a strike by settling for a one-year contract, expiring in 2009:
  • University of Guelph (CUPE 3913) (source)
Can't find bargaining details for the following two universities:
  • Lakehead University (CUPE 3905): (can't find a copy of the agreement)
  • Carleton University (CUPE 4600): Contract expired, status of bargaining unclear.
So it would seem that the coordination drive is well underway, and there's no evidence to suggest that any local is not participating. However, with the largest university in the province (U of T) in strike position, and the second largest (York) already on strike, where both are fighting for 2010 expiry, the campaign has entered a critical phase. You can make a case that York and U of T are the firewalls to prevent the plan from succeeding.


ADHR said...

Unit 2 at Trent is student academic workers (so, undergrad markers, for the most part). Unit 1, which is contract faculty, already has a contract set to expire in 2010.

Just FYI.

CUPE Watch 2010 said...

Thanks for the correction. I've updated my post.

Anonymous said...

It would seem like you're french, from the tone of your writing and because you wrote "which as been targeted" instead of "which has" in the profile.

CUPE Watch 2010 said...

Thanks for catching the typo. Naturally I will neither confirm nor deny any details about myself.